Welcome, I'm
Jeremiah Harriott

Jr. Full-Stack Web Developer

I am a Junior Full-stack Web Developer from Toronto, Canada and aiming to become a stronger web developer and video game developer. I enjoy learning and creating different applications for users just like you. I recently finished my very first interactive 2-player fighter called "Samurai-Code" so feel free to try it out.

Lets Connect

Projects & Games


This is my first 2 player fighting game I recently created using html, javascript and css style. You can play as either 'Zen' a ronin samurai or D-Knight a lost knight of the round table.



This project was designed to help and guide new minds to Cryptocurrency while giving them the ability to learn about the market with absolutely no risk. The user is given false currency to then purchase and sell on a simulated market.

    HtmlCssRuby on RailsJavascriptSassFigma

Bed & Bones

Bed & Bones is a rental platform for users to rent an animal of their choosing and also put their animal out to be rented. The idea is supposed to be a replica of Airbnb, but slightly different based on the services of course. Feel free to try it out.

    HtmlCssRuby on RailsJavascriptSassFigma

Summer Boxing Poster

This poster was made using Figma. This is a ruff draft to a website i am currently buidling for a collection of fan made posters from all types of sports.






    Becoming a Web developer introduced me to many different languages and skills, from Back-End development to Front-End design.

    • Front-End

      Html, Css, Sass, Javascript, React.js, Next.js

    • UI/UX

      Figma & Wordpress

    • Back-End

      Databases, Ruby on Rails, PHP, C#, Git/Github

    Who Am I?

    At a young age I became obsessed with video games and movies, the stories and characters would always captivate me. I immediately knew that one day I would be able to design and create interactive apps & video games for others. I slowly found my passion and used it to create ablum covers for my favourite music artists and video game covers to my favourtie games. As I got older I tried many different career paths like Security, Construction and even Technology Sales, but ended up finding my way back to design and programming which I've grown to love even more. I've been programming for a year now and after recently taking a coding bootcamp "Le Wagon London", feel much more confident in my passion to create for others and myself!

    "LEVEL UP"